Saturday, June 16, 2012

Deceased Music Legends Being Created in Hologram Form

Jimi Hendrix/Photo Credit:
Picture this; you are standing in front of a stage.

You start to feel the bass in your stomach, the smooth and sexy voice of the electric guitar starts to flow through your soul, sending chills up your spine as you watch Jimi Hendrix.

He begins to play your favorite song, “Voodoo Child,” a performance you've only heard on your parent’s dusty old vinyl that gathers dust in their basement or seen on the YouTube videos you watch all day at work.

Seem like a distant dream? Not quite.

Jimi Hendrix.

 Jim Morrison.

Janis Joplin.

They aren't strangers to people of music, they're legends.

These names define entire genres of music and continue to do so from the grave.

However, it seems as though these legends will be making their own appearances once again.